Results: Stories
76 results found for '"Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd."' in Credits.
A Matter of Scale
- Date released
- 1954
- Series name
- Babcock Review
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 352810
- Story no
- 1 / 3
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: Model-making can be much more than a hobby, models both simple and complex being widely used in industry for planning, for training and for demonstration. We pay a visit to the...
Slurry for Steam
- Date released
- 1954
- Series name
- Babcock Review
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 352811
- Story no
- 2 / 3
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: Commencing with a sequence that describes the nature of "slurry" with one-time waste product of the colliery washeries, this item shows how new mechanical handling developments...
Steam goes Supersonic
- Date released
- 1954
- Series name
- Babcock Review
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 352812
- Story no
- 3 / 3
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: This item takes us to the works of the Bristol Aeroplane Co., where we see Britannia air liners under construction and test, and glimpse the development of jet aero engines by...
The Cowal Games
- Date released
- 1955
- Series name
- Home and Away
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 352772
- Story no
- 1 / 4
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: From "o’er the hills and o’er the water", they came for the Highland games at Dunoon, where a thousand pipes and two hundred Scottish dancers competed for the championships...
The Scottish Industries Exhibition
- Date released
- 1955
- Series name
- Home and Away
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 352773
- Story no
- 2 / 4
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: In 1955 an industrial Exhibition was held in the Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, to display Scottish industry and products to the world. As one of the largest firms on Clydeside, Babcock &...
Steam and the Atom
- Date released
- 1955
- Series name
- Home and Away
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 352774
- Story no
- 3 / 4
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: At this time Calder Hall "A", the world’s first fullscale atomic power station was under construction. The film pays a brief visit to the site and then by means of a diagram...
The Drums of Donington
- Date released
- 1955
- Series name
- Home and Away
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 352775
- Story no
- 4 / 4
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: In another part of England the Castle Donington power station, with its six Babcock boilers, to steam six 100 MW generators, was also under construction; and the film takes us...
Who Goes Home?
- Date released
- 1955
- Series name
- Home and Away
- Issue no
- 2
- NoS ID
- 352776
- Story no
- 1 / 3
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: The day-in, day-out transport of thousands of employees to and from the Renfrew works of Babcock & Wilcox, speedily and comfortably for all concerned, presents many problems....
Glancing Back to 1954
- Date released
- 1955
- Series name
- Home and Away
- Issue no
- 2
- NoS ID
- 352777
- Story no
- 2 / 3
NoS Summary - A review of the new vessels made by Babcock and Wilcox, including SS Clan Robertson and the Can Macleod cargo vessel. Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: A brief review, including the trials on the...
A Visit to Erskine
- Date released
- 1955
- Series name
- Home and Away
- Issue no
- 2
- NoS ID
- 352778
- Story no
- 3 / 3
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: Introducing, through the eyes of a war-disabled B. & W. employee, the work of the Erskine Hospital on the rehabilitation, training and employment of war-disabled men.