A Matter of Scale
- Series Name
- Babcock Review
- Story No. within this Issue
- 1 / 3
- Summary
- Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: Model-making can be much more than a hobby, models both simple and complex being widely used in industry for planning, for training and for demonstration. We pay a visit to the Northampton works of Bassett Lowke Ltd., the well-known model makers, and see under construction models of marine tankers, of the Castle Donington power station and on the Renfrew works of Babcock & Wilcox. This impressive model, showing within a space 16 ft. by 9 ft. the layout of a vast works occupying, in fact, a site of 165 acres, is later seen in use at Renfrew, against the background of the actual works which it represents in such surprising detail.
- Researcher Comments
- This story was originally made for Home and Away issue 7.
- Keywords
- Engineering; Toys and models
- Written sources
- Synopses of the Babcock Film Magazines booklet p14. Used for synopsis
- Credits:
- Sponsor
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.
- Production Co.
- Technical & Scientific Films Ltd.
How to cite this record
'A Matter of Scale', Babcock Review Issue No. 1, 1954. https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/newsonscreen/search/index.php/story/352810 (Accessed 01 Feb 2025)