Results: Stories
124 results found for '"Phil Jay"' in Credits.
Crown Jewels
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line (Colour series 2)
- Issue no
- 7
- NoS ID
- 326106
- Story no
- 1 / 4
COI synopsis: London Line sneaks you behind bars to take a long glittering look at the most fabulous treasure trove in the world - Her Britannic Majesty’s Crown Jewels in their new home at the ancient...
Fine Leather Comes To Town
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line (Colour series 2)
- Issue no
- 8
- NoS ID
- 326107
- Story no
- 1 / 3
COI synopsis: London Line takes a stroll down an old London Street to look at the latest winner in the High Fashion stakes.
Infra-Red Fire Detector
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line (Colour series 2)
- Issue no
- 9
- NoS ID
- 326108
- Story no
- 1 / 3
COI synopsis: Strike a light... but not within a mile of the all-seeing magic eye that spots fires out in the open. Ian Morrison, for London Line, tests the infra-red fire detector.
It’s A Container World
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line (Colour series 2)
- Issue no
- 10
- NoS ID
- 326109
- Story no
- 1 / 3
COI synopsis: London Line looks at Britain’s role in a Container Age - Mammoth boxes to cross the world.
Fastest Camera In The World
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 139
- NoS ID
- 326359
- Story no
- 1 / 4
NoS synopsis: Ibrahim Tahir briefly outlines landmarks in action photography before discussing and demonstrating a camera designed by British nuclear scientists that can capture events - such as a wire...
Jonathan Kenworthy
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 139
- NoS ID
- 326360
- Story no
- 2 / 4
NoS synopsis: Israel Wamala relates how action photography was used in the past to show how animals, such as horses, move. He then talks to the young sculptor Jonathan Kenworthy about his work, in which he...
Stock Exchange Pop-Film
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line
- Issue no
- 139
- NoS ID
- 326361
- Story no
- 3 / 4
NoS synopsis: About the latest film made for the Stock Exchange to explain their work.
Are You Sitting Comfortably - If Not - Why Not?
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line (Colour series 2)
- Issue no
- 7
- NoS ID
- 350121
- Story no
- 2 / 4
COI synopsis: Ian Morrison, on location, visits the scientists who are working to create the most comfortable chair in the world.
The Naked Ape
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line (Colour series 2)
- Issue no
- 7
- NoS ID
- 350122
- Story no
- 3 / 4
COI synopsis: Dr. Desmond Morris - Author of the book that is creating the biggest buzz since Darwin, visits the London Line studio, and talks about "The Naked Ape" and men and monkeys.
The Vacuum Zip
- Date released
- 1967
- Series name
- London Line (Colour series 2)
- Issue no
- 7
- NoS ID
- 350123
- Story no
- 4 / 4
COI synopsis: Have you noticed that zips aren’t airtight? That’s all changed with - The Vacuum Zip.