
4 results found for '"Gerolamo Lo Savio"' in Person.

  • Silent Shakespeare (2004 Video)

    J. Stuart Blackton; William Kennedy-Laurie Dickson; Charles Kent; Gerolamo Lo Savio; Percy Stow

    A compilation of seven early silent versions of Shakespeare plays, created from nitrate prints held in the BFI National Archive. They include examples of hand-stencilled and tinted prints, and, though...

  • Re Lear (1910 Film)

    aka: King Lear Roi Lear, Le

    Gerolamo Lo Savio

    Shortened version of the play which depicts most of the main events but omits the Edgar subplot. Ball (op cit) comments ‘Without subtitles this film could not be understood at sees only tirades...

  • Mercante di Venezia, Il (1910 Film)

    aka: Merchant of Venice, The

    Gerolamo Lo Savio

    A shortened version of the play which omits the casket scene and the business concerning Portia’s ring. Some scenes were filmed in Venice.

  • Otello (1909 Film)

    aka: Othello

    Gerolamo Lo Savio

    Fiction film version of Othello, filmed mostly on location in Venice, with Ferruccio Garavaglia as Othello.