
53 results found for all records.

  • Macbeth (1996 Video)

    Csaba Kiss

    Video recording of Csaba Kiss’ 1996 production of Macbeth with Ottó Lajos Horváth and Júlia Nyakó as the Macbeths.

  • Romeo és Júlia (1995 Video)

    aka: Romeo and Juliet

    Árpád Jutocsa Hegyi

    Video recording of Árpád Jutocsa Hegyi’s 1995 production of Romeo and Juliet for the Miskolci Nemzeti Színház with Károly Kuna and Kriszta Bíró in the title roles.

  • Hamlet (1994 Video)

    István Somogy

    Video recording of the 1994 stage production of Hamlet directed by István Somogyi with Sándor Terhes in the title role.

  • Windsori Víg Nök, A (1994 Television)

    aka: Merry Wives of Windsor, The

    Gergely Z. Horváth

    Television adaptation of The Merry Wives of Windsor directed by Gergely Z. Horváth with József Czintos as Falstaff.

  • Szentivánéji álom (1994 Video)

    aka: Midsummer Night’s Dream, A

    János Csányi

    Stage recording of János Csányi’s 1994 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream with János Kulka as Oberon/Theseus and Dorottya Udvaros as Hippolyta/Titania.

  • Szentivánéji álom (1994 Video)

    aka: Midsummer Night’s Dream, A

    Péter Gothár

    Stage recording of Péter Gothár’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Katona József Színhaz, Budapest.

  • Lear Király (1993 Video)

    aka: King Lear

    János Ács

    Video recording of János Ács’ 1993 staging of King Lear for the János Arany Színház with Géza Tordy as Lear.

  • Vízkereszt, Vagy Amit Akartok (1993 Video)

    aka: Twelfth Night

    Vlad Mugur

    Video recording of Vlad Mugur’s 1993 stage production of Twelfth Night for the Muvész Színház, Budapest. Ildikó Bánsági doubles the roles of Viola and Sebastian.

  • Troilus és Cressida (1992 Video)

    aka: Troilus and Cressida

    József Ruszt

    Video recording of József Ruszt’s 1992 stage production of Troilus and Cressida for the Budapest Chamber Theatre with Károly Nemcsák and Viktória Kerekes in the title roles.

  • Ahogy Tetszik (1991 Video)

    aka: As You Like It

    Péter Valló

    Video recording of the 1991 stage production of As You Like It directed by Péter Valló. Eniko Eszenyi is Rosalind.