FINA World Aquatics Championships In Belgrade

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Yugoslavia Swimming Championships
5 Sep 1973
The FINA World Aquatics Championships took place at the Tasmajdan Sports Centre in Belgrade. Many new world records were set mostly by the United States and East Germany. Scenes of early heats in several races.
  • 1. various shots of the pool male swimmers preparing for an event.
  • 2. ws false start two simmers in
  • 3. ws proper start crawl... US swimmer in lane four wins the heat
  • 4. vairous shots swimmers prepare for the next heat
  • 5. ws swimmers onto blocks
  • 6. ws false start
  • 7. ws false start
  • 2.
  • 8. ws proper start crawl... US swimmer in lane
  • 4. in the lead... and wins the heat.
  • 9. various shots women preparing for a heat
  • 10. ws pan of the pool stands spectators
  • 11. ms women onto blocks
  • 12. ws start of race medley race Butterfly back-stroke breast-stroke crawl
  • 13. ws race won by Kornelia Ender East Germany J. Woodcock of US second
  • 14. mcu scoreboard for the Medley Heat
  • 15. various MS journalists watching writing recording events wearing folded newspaper hats against the sun
  • 16. ws breast-stroke heat won by swimmer in lane
  • 4. pan up to flags of participating nations
  • 17. ms group of male spectators one pointing at the camera
  • 18. s swimmers in the stands encouraging team mates
  • 19. ls breast stroke heat under way won by swimmer in lane
  • 4.
  • 20. ls group of swimmers walk beside pool on the way to the starting blocks
  • 21. ms the press
  • 22. ws start of a breast-stroke heat
  • 23. vs men in pool after heat warming down
  • 24. ms focussing on male US swimmer John Hencken (?)
  • 25. ws Hencken walks up stands to team-mates
  • 26. various shots spectators
Film status
Processing date
5 Sep 1973
Processing location
Original film
Colour Reversal
Original sound
AP Television

How to cite this record

'FINA World Aquatics Championships In Belgrade', 5 Sep 1973. (Accessed 04 Mar 2025)