Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: The Kings Sees New Fleet Weapons
- Series Name
- British Movietone News
- Story No. within this Issue
- 2 / 3
- Section Title
- Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
- Summary
- MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: King Sees New Fleet Weapons. DESCRIPTION: His Majesty visits the Home Fleet and as Admiral of the Fleet presided over the daily conference. He also made an inspection of the Fleet Air Arm and inspected the midget submarines. SHOTLIST: Cut story - KS. Sunset, Royal Marines Band on deck of battleship. GS deck of battleship (Duke of York - secret). King comes aboard, piped. Received by Admiral Fraser. Fraser and King walk along decks inspecting crews. Look forward, pan of band playing. CU various instruments, French Horn, Saxophone. In cabin King & Fraser enter for conference, after they have seated, rest of officers sit, they look at maps. Group come up on elevator to flight deck of carrier. King inspects some of crew, also inspects crew of two for human torpedo. King on board midget submarine (this takes crew of 4). Shots of midget sub. in water, captain stands by periscope. Prior to this Aircraft Carrier - Elevated of Corsairs with engines turning - few take-off. Formations of Barracudas fly past. GS human torpedo being lowered over side of ship. Crew of two being dressed similar to diving suit. King & Fraser laugh as they talk to men. Human torpedo in water, submerging & surfacing.
- Keywords
- Royalty; Ships and boats; Music and dance; Displays; Weapons; Aviation; Conferences; Ceremonies; Censorship; Navy; Military
- Footage sources
- British Paramount
- Card file number
- 44830
- Credits:
- Commentator
- Leslie Mitchell
- Camera
- Richard Harris
- Length of story (in feet)
- 200
Film clip
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How to cite this record
'Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: The Kings Sees New Fleet Weapons', British Movietone News Issue No. 781, 22 May 1944. (Accessed 05 Mar 2025)