New House of Commons


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
30 Oct 1950
Date submitted
26 Oct 1950
Stories in this Issue:


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MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: New House of Commons. His Majesty Accepts Addresses From Houses of Lords & Commons. DESCRIPTION: His Majesty was presented with Addresses of Thanks in a colourful ceremony which took place in Westminster Hall. SHOTLIST: KS. Exterior Westminster Hall. Library Material - Several ruins of House of Commons. Elevated MS the Chamber, in ruins. Interior - elevated GV with trumpeter in fore sounding same (fanfare). Several shots Speakers Procession led by Clifton Brown entering Westminster Hall, passing through crowds on each side of aisle. CU Lord Jowitt, the Lord Chancellor. Several shots Lord Chancellor procession entering. Fanfare procession passing along to the tune of "Greensleaves". Elevated GV hall. Lord Chancellor takes his seat. SCU Lord Chancellor. Two shots "Mrs Mopps" sweeping the aisle. Audience laughing. Elevated GV audience & trumpeters flag in fore (hanging from the trumpet). Royal fanfare sounded as Royal Family enter. Elevated GV hall. CU Queen. CU King. In procession, King, Queen, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Duke & Duchess of Gloucester, Princess Royal, Earl of Athlone, Princess Alice, Queen Mary. People face Royal Family as they pass and bow. Lord Jowitt steps forward & facing the King addresses him "Most Gracious Sovereign --- ". Lord Jowitt afterwards approaches King, kneels & offers him the address. Lord Jowitt recedes & bows. Clifton Brown, the Speaker ditto as Lord Jowitt. King then replies, various shots of him addressing ceremony gathering. Over this is illustrated with shots of the New House, Speakers Chair, the Table, the Bar, GV of seating. Despatch Box, SCU microphone which is used by person addressing & several shots of small mikes behind each seat in the Commons. GV of the Chambers. Elevated GV of West Hall & Royal Family in procession leaves. Queen Mary assisted down steps by Princess Margaret, SCU. Elevated GV of procession leaving.
Royalty; Buildings and structures
Westminster Hall
Footage sources
Gaumont British News Rota
Written sources
Movietone website   Used for card file number
Card file number
Alec Tozer
Lionel James Gamlin
Norman Fisher
Length of story (in feet)
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