In Colour: From Southampton, the Greatest Passenger-Ship in the World Begins the Most Important Voyage Since Her Launching ...


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
8 May 1969
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
Section Title
In Colour
FULL TITLE: From Southampton, the greatest passenger-ship in the world begins the most important voyage since her launching - the Maiden voyage to New York. 65,000 Tons of marine sophistication prepares to vindicate her promise. Of all the ways of crossing the Atlantic, QE2 undoubtedly offers the most civilised and sophisticated. MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: In Colour:- QEII Maiden Voyage. SHOTLIST: MS zoom out vintage Rolls Royce. Zoom in CU Goodwill tour of USA name plate. MS pan Rolls Royce moving to embark on QE2. Zoom out from name Queen Elizabeth II on side of ship. MS QE2 docking. CU suitcase, pan to man pushing them on trolley to Ocean Terminal. 3 shots passengers embarking. CU bandsman. GV band playing on board. CU mooring rope released, pan to side of ship. MS passengers waving to crowd on quay. TS balloons rise as QE2 moves. MLS pan QE2 leaving quayside. MLS tug pulling QE2. GV crowd waving as QE2 leaves Southampton. LS Ocean Terminal with crowd waving. GV pan QE2. MS crowd waving. MLS looking forward out to sea. MCU Captain Bill Warwick on board. LS restaurant. MCU shop. CU pan shop. MCU hairdressers. LS ditto. MCU childrens’ painting on wall. MS boy in toy car in nursery. MCU ditto. CU cutting meat in kitchen. MS ditto. Trucking shots past racks of food. CU plates of meat. MS table in restaurant. LS control panel. MS shaft of engine. CU control panel. MCU man operating panel. LS panel with operator. LS bows. MS cabin. MS trucking shot of cabin. MLS cabin. GV lounge. MLS people dancing. CU couple dancing. GV dancing. LS looking aft. MS wake of ship.
Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Music and dance; Entertainment and leisure; Vehicles; Food and cooking; Children; Shops and shopping; Ceremonies; Toys and models
Southampton; United Kingdom
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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'In Colour: From Southampton, the Greatest Passenger-Ship in the World Begins the Most Important Voyage Since Her Launching ...', British Movietone News Issue No. 2083A, 8 May 1969. (Accessed 06 Mar 2025)