News in Colour: After Bogside?


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
18 Aug 1969
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Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
Section Title
News in Colour
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: News in Colour After Bogside. DESCRIPTION: The presence of British troops in Northern Ireland’s trouble centres may restore order but the big questions still remain unsolved. The Battle of Bogside - tragic sequel to the Apprentices March in Derry - and the rioting which followed elsewhere, may well have been caused by irresponsible hooligans. But the root cause of discontent will not be removed until Civil Rights are established for the Catholic minority in the Six Counties. SHOTLIST: MS pan banner being carried by hand. MCU memorial to Irish soldiers killed in war. MS banner carried by band. LAS column bearing year 1688 to commemorate Apprentice Boys of Derry, original Protestants. GV crowd. MS banner pan to pipe band. LAS pipe band marches past. MS band and followers marching with banners. MS followers. MS crowd. MS band with drum leader performing tricks. MS children spectators. MS pan different band with trick drum leader. Children holding British flag. MS pan up drum leader throws mace high in the air & catches it. LAS British flag hanging from window. MCU members of Irish Legion march past. BS ditto. TS pipe band marching through crowd. MCU ditto. BS members of legion marching. LAS crowd watch from balcony. TS various brigades marching. MCU official of the Apprentices Legion. MCU another official ditto. MLS crate of beer being carried through doorway. MCU woman in crowd. LAS clock tower pan down to pipe band. MCU crowd clapping and singing. CU drum being played. MCU crowd. TS crowd. CU man escorted away by police. LAS smoke behind buildings. MCU building burning. MCU fire engine and firemen. GV wreckage in street, car burning. MLS riot police. MS police return missiles thrown at them by crowd. MS police. MLS pan armoured car. MS Derry Savings Bank, with broken windows. MCU broken window of bank. 4 night shots of building on fire. MS pan down wrecked buildings. MCU police with riot shields. GV pan rioters & police. GV mob pan up zoom in burning building. MCU police men with protective helmet & shield. MS police. MS zoom in burning van. MS 2 shots policeman fires tear gas or smoke gun. MS pan police walk past camera and down street.
Commemorations; Music and dance; Vehicles; Weapons; Ceremonies; Demonstrations; Riots; Crime; Military
Londonderry; Northern Ireland
Card file number
Keith Medley
Leslie Mitchell
Reginald William Smith
Length of story (in feet)
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'News in Colour: After Bogside?', British Movietone News Issue No. 2098, 18 Aug 1969. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)