Sack Race


Series Name
Mining Review 7th Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Oct 1953
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
BFI synopsis: The Stratford Rugby Football Club’s summer gala, with a mile race for coal-men carrying hundredweight sacks of coal.
NCB Commentary - The Rugby football club at Stafford made their coronation year garden party a notable event. Big crowds turned out to have fun at the fair and to try their luck at the traditional stalls and sideshows. But the biggest crowds were waiting for the afternoon’s main attraction, a race between local coalmen, each carrying a hundredweight sack. In the paddock, the field seem a happy enough gang. Each entry has paid a 5/- fee, and they’re racing under unusual colours even if the rules aren’t the Jockey Club’s. Some of the name cards weren’t exactly flattering.
The course is just under a mile; now they’re moving up under starter’s orders, and the first pair are off, under the nose of the newsreel cameras. This is a timed race; competitors set off in pairs, and the fastest time gives the winner. With nearly a mile to go, most of the competitors made a leisurely pace to start with. To drop your load is as good as disqualification -- but you’ve still got to pick up the pieces.
With a hundredweight load aboard each man, the race is a test of endurance as well as speed. So at the halfway mark comes a compulsory pause for refreshment - only half a pint a man, but it went down very nicely. Some of the spectators were in need of stimulation by now as well. Now on the home stretch, a big welcome waits for the first man in - not necessarily the winner, because that’ll depend on the other timings. But Opencast (John Chandler) was still fairly fresh after his long porterage. As each man comes in at the finish, his sack of coal is weighed - just to make sure he hasn’t sold any on the way round out in the country.
All that’s left now is to reckon up the final times, and announce the winner. And here they are; 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Crown Fuel (Andrew Smith), Opencast (John Chandler) and Shallow Hard (Stan Procter). A coalheaver’s life is tough enough when you just walk from the lorry to the coalshed, but these goodhumoured Staffordshire men did so well on the flat that maybe next year they’ll be racing over the sticks.
The nicest surprise of the day was still to come. These old ladies of Stafford didn’t remember ordering coal for the winter, but they found themselves presented with a sack each with the compliments of the rugger club and delivered to their doors by the lads they’d seen racing. A warmhearted gesture that’s sure to be warmly received.
Researcher Comments
According to bfi records, this story was filmed on the 4th July 1953. Commentary recorded 4 September 1953.
Sport; Entertainment and leisure; Competitions; Celebrations and festivals; Mining; Rugby football
England; Staffordshire
Written sources
British Film Institute Databases   Used for synopsis
Film User   Vol.8 No.89 March 1954, p138.
The National Archives COAL 32   /3 Scripts for Mining Review, 1949-1956
Production Co.
Documentary Technicians Alliance
National Coal Board

How to cite this record

'Sack Race', Mining Review 7th Year Issue No. 2, Oct 1953. (Accessed 05 Mar 2025)