Britain’s destiny at the ballot boxes ... POLLS SHOW GREAT GOVERNMENT VICTORY


Series Name
British Movietone Gazette


Issue No.
Date Released
26 Oct 1931
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 3
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Polls Show Government Victory. DESCRIPTION: Voters record clear verdict despite fog over country. Fol. For one day, the individual citizen becomes more important than the great politician. On this day an earnest electorate went to the polls and returned the National Government to power. British Movietone News here presents intimate incidents of the polling. Sub 1. On Tuesday evening in the fog crowds gather to hear the early results being announced. Sub 2. Wednesday’s declarations complete tale of National Government’s triumph. SHOTLIST: CUs of old man and lady in bath chair going to both and being directed by policeman. Nurses alight from car. Policeman playing with baby. Various shots of people at Polling Station. Various shots of posters. Mr Wood speaking on polling. Children sing. Sub 1. Night shots of crowds cheering. Men focusing spotlights, boards with "Daily Mail" Election results. Various shots of crowds. Movietone cameraman on top of van taking pictures. Spotlights on crowds. All above are night shots. Sub 2. GV several shots of victory announced for Thelma Cazalet. Mayor reads results, crowds cheer. Winston Churchill walks onto dais. Result read out. Mr Churchill shaking hands. Car drives through town. Crowds.
Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Mass media; Music and dance; Children; Weather; Older people; Police; Local government
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'Britain’s destiny at the ballot boxes ... POLLS SHOW GREAT GOVERNMENT VICTORY', British Movietone Gazette Issue No. 91A, 26 Oct 1931. (Accessed 01 Feb 2025)