Results: Stories
6 results found for 'MI 1072/12' in Company Reference.
NoS synopsis: Highlights the important timber industries of Burma, North Borneo, Sarawak, Laos and Thailand, showing how trees are felled and logs transported. Features teak from Thailand and ramin wood from...
Furniture Making
NoS synopsis: Visits a furniture factory in southern England, showing the use of woods grown in Asia in the production of chairs.
NoS synopsis: Visits a British factory which produces a range of plastics and moulds them into a variety of different products.
Hampton Court
NoS synopsis: Shows a visit to the grounds and state rooms of Hampton Court Palace made by Madame Diah, wife of the Indonesian Ambassador with a party of ladies from the Indonesian community in London,...
Commonwealth Institute
NoS synopsis: Visits the newly built Commonwealth Institute in London, which was opened in November 1962 by Queen Elizabeth II, and has a permanent exhibition providing examples of the culture and industry...
Edinburgh Tattoo
NoS synopsis: Shows soldiers of the Commonwealth taking part in the military tattoo held annually on the esplanade of Edinburgh Castle. Features the first appearance of the pipes, drums and bandsmen of the...