Results: Stories
5 results found for '275-2' in Issue No..
Serbian Transport
- Date released
- 2 Dec 1916
- Series name
- Topical Budget
- Issue no
- 275-2
- NoS ID
- 125899
- Story no
- 1 / 5
[SUBTITLE]: "Serbs bringing up ammunition and stores on pack mules, for the Serbian Army in Macedonia." Men and loaded mules passing over bridge. Motionless man in foreground lying face up with his head...
Essex V Army
- Date released
- 2 Dec 1916
- Series name
- Topical Budget
- Issue no
- 275-2
- NoS ID
- 125900
- Story no
- 2 / 5
[SUBTITLE]: "Mr J Bethell MP kicks off at the football match, the proceeds of which will be spent on Xmas parcels for men at the front." The toss and kick-off by Bethell. Various shots of the match taken...
Westminster Cadets
- Date released
- 2 Dec 1916
- Series name
- Topical Budget
- Issue no
- 275-2
- NoS ID
- 125901
- Story no
- 3 / 5
[SUBTITLE]: "The Catholic Boys Brigade of the Westminster Cadets attend Mass at the Italian Church." Marching band followed by boys, some in civilian clothes, some in uniform. Coming down the steps of the...
Prince Arthur in Paris
- Date released
- 2 Dec 1916
- Series name
- Topical Budget
- Issue no
- 275-2
- NoS ID
- 125902
- Story no
- 4 / 5
[SUBTITLE]: "Prince Arthur of Connaught inspects the guard of honour at the Invalides previous to the ceremony." He inspects the guard (two shots of this).
Decorating French Generals
- Date released
- 2 Dec 1916
- Series name
- Topical Budget
- Issue no
- 275-2
- NoS ID
- 125903
- Story no
- 5 / 5
[SUBTITLE]: "On behalf of the King, Prince Arthur decorates Generals Balfourier and Drude with the Order of St Michael and St George." Continuation of above item. Prince Arthur decorates and chats to the...