Results: Stories
2 results found for '"Caribbean Sea"' in Location.
US Marines Go On War Manoeuvres
- Date released
- 5 Feb 1940
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 40/11
- NoS ID
- 156889
- Story no
- 5 / 6
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet
Brigadier General Beddell Smith leads American marines on war manoeuvres in battleships ‘Arkansas’, ‘New York’ and ‘Texas’.
Water Wasps
- Date released
- 11 May 1942
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 42/38
- NoS ID
- 099425
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
Speedboats at speed off the coast of America during trials. They are called Water Wasps and are a type of MTB which will patrol the coastal waters.