Results: Stories
2 results found for '"Thule"' in Location.
US Arctic Air Base
- Date released
- 29 Sep 1952
- Series name
- Pathe News
- Issue no
- 52/79
- NoS ID
- 104955
- Story no
- 7 / 8
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
In the ice-bound Arctic, America has built a huge airfield, only five hours by jet bomber to the industrial heart of Russia.
Project - Lead Dog
- Date released
- 18 Jul 1960
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1624
- NoS ID
- 023687
- Story no
- 1 / 6
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Project - Lead Dog - US Expedition. DESCRIPTION: This is where the project started: Camp Tuto, near Thule in North-West Greenland, and it was a highlight of the American Army’s...