Results: Stories
41 results found for '"BP Video Library"' in Footage or Written Source.
(Untitled record)
- Date released
- 1950
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 349283
- Story no
- 1 / 3
BP Summary - A brief introduction to the series with emphasis on the increasing world demand for oil and the importance of the Middle East in supplying this demand Abadan is shown with the refinery set in...
Main Line Diesel Engine
- Date released
- 1950
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 349284
- Story no
- 2 / 3
Subtitle - ‘A new page in railway history’. Film User Summary - the L.M. Region’s main line diesel locomotive BP Summary - The building and trial run of the new diesel - electric locomotives which are...
Tractor Transitions
- Date released
- 1950
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 1
- NoS ID
- 349285
- Story no
- 3 / 3
Subtitle - ‘New designs revolutionize agricultural methods’. BP Summary - The advantages gained by the change in tractor design whereby the farm implement is now an integral part of the tractor instead...
Oil Detection
- Date released
- 1951
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 2
- NoS ID
- 349286
- Story no
- 1 / 3
BFI Summary - Structure of oil-bearing rocks and principal methods of prospecting in New Guinea. BP synopsis: The beginning of the long search which may lead to a new oil field. A film about oil, how it is...
Ships into Pipelines
- Date released
- 1951
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 2
- NoS ID
- 349544
- Story no
- 2 / 3
Film User Summary - forging a steel oil pipe from an old ship BP synopsis: In Iran the oil is pipes across to the refinery and then shipped back to the west. Back on the Clyde old battle ships are cut up as...
Comet across the sky
- Date released
- 1951
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 2
- NoS ID
- 349545
- Story no
- 3 / 3
Film User Summary - the developent of the world’s first jet airliner, the D. H. "Comet" BP synopsis: How the first all-jet air lines got off to a 500 m.p.h. start. September 1946 the design and...
Provencal Oil Refinery
- Date released
- 1951
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 3
- NoS ID
- 349288
- Story no
- 1 / 2
NoS Summary - the refinery at L’Avera in Provence, South of France BP synopsis: In the heart of southern France is a Roman theatre, near it is a modern oil refinery (L’Avera) getting through 1,000,000...
Tanker Launch
- Date released
- 1951
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 3
- NoS ID
- 349289
- Story no
- 2 / 2
NoS Summary - the launching of Sunderland motor tanker, ‘British Reliance’ BP synopsis: Sunderland on the Wear, where the largest (16,000) ton tanker (The British Reliance) is preparing for launch....
Transfer by road
- Date released
- 1951
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 4
- NoS ID
- 349290
- Story no
- 1 / 3
BFI Summary - A 93-ft fractionating column travels by road BP synopsis: Too long and too wide for railways, a new fractioning column travels by road from workship to refinery (on a Pickfords lorry)....
Something Small
- Date released
- 1951
- Series name
- Oil Review
- Issue no
- 4
- NoS ID
- 349291
- Story no
- 2 / 3
NoS Summary - caring for day-old chicks using oil-burning incubators and "foster-mothers" on a Danish egg farm BP synopsis: Starts with a montage of images from the past Oil Reviews with the voiceover saying...