Results: Stories
8 results found for '"Jack Glenn"' in Credits.
American Fisheries
- Date released
- Mar 1936
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 4
- NoS ID
- 352139
- Story no
- 3 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: Steeped in the brave tradition of America’s oldest industry are Gloucester’s hardy fishermen who go down to the sea in little boats and take their chances on not coming back....
King Cotton’s Slave
- Date released
- 1937
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 12
- NoS ID
- 352095
- Story no
- 3 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: The No.12 issue of The March of Time contains a dramatic episode entitled "King Cotton’s Slaves" - a story of the bitter struggles between planters and sharecroppers (pickers)...
Centennial Cities’ battle of beauties
- Date released
- 1937
- Series name
- The March of Time 2nd Year
- Issue no
- 8
- NoS ID
- 352151
- Story no
- 3 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: America laughs as beauty vies with municipal fervour in Texas’ centenary celebrations.
USA: His Honor the Mayor
- Date released
- 1937
- Series name
- The March of Time 3rd Year
- Issue no
- 5
- NoS ID
- 352172
- Story no
- 3 / 3
BFI synopsis: the work of Fiorello LaGuardia to reconstruct New York and clean up the politics.
Inside Nazi Germany
- Date released
- 1938
- Series name
- The March of Time 3rd Year
- Issue no
- 12
- NoS ID
- 352191
- Story no
- 1 / 1
BFI synopsis: Description of Nazi dominated Germany with State interference in everything, propaganda to convince everyone of State opinions, and removal of those in opposition, e.g. Christians and Jews.
Father Divine’s Deal
- Date released
- 1938
- Series name
- The March of Time 4th Year
- Issue no
- 8
- NoS ID
- 352208
- Story no
- 2 / 2
BFI synopsis: the efforts of Father Divine, a religious leader in Harlem, to provide settlement for his followers in Hudson Valley.
Uncle Sam - the Farmer
- Date released
- 1939
- Series name
- The March of Time 5th Year
- Issue no
- 9
- NoS ID
- 352222
- Story no
- 1 / 1
The March of Time synopsis: The March of Time devotes its latest issue ... to the problems of American farming and the various methods by which the Department of Agriculture in Washington is endeavouring to...
Atomic Power
- Date released
- Sep 1946
- Series name
- The March of Time 11th Year
- Issue no
- 12
- NoS ID
- 352068
- Story no
- 1 / 1
The March of Time synopsis: One year ago, to all people throughout the world came the overwhelming report that with one bomb a whole city of Japan had been destroyed. In its latest issue, the March of Time...