Results: Stories

53 results found for '"Vicki Luke"' in Credits.

  • Bird Preservation

    Date released
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    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: The British may know their birds, but how much do they care? Our reporter goes to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to find out how they are often abused, and how they are affected...

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  • Auditions

    Date released
    Series name
    This Week In Britain
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  • Horse Power

    Date released
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    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: For centuries the Shire horse was the driving force of British agriculture. The breed was almost extinct but today, the Shires are back in business - and more popular than ever before. Vicki...

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  • The Brighton Engineerium

    Date released
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    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: Engineer Jonathan Minns has spent the last six years restoring a 19th century pumping station, both as an example of the expertise and inventiveness of the last century, but also as an...

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  • Captain Cook

    Date released
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    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: This year is the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook’s birth. Vicki Luke sees the towns and landscapes in Yorkshire where he lived and worked in the early part of his life; and some of the...

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  • Homes For Children

    Date released
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    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: Mentally handicapped children are a section of society only too easily overlooked by the rest of us - and they can find themselves isolated in institutions until adulthood and beyond. Now, a...

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  • Women Artists

    Date released
    Series name
    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: Vicki Luke meets Lorraine Gill and Kate Macarthur, two Australian artists who have just had an exhibition in London and who live and work here. It’s never been easy for women to get their...

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  • Discomania

    Date released
    Series name
    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: Even before John Travolta hit the headlines in ‘Saturday Night Fever’, discomania had a firm foothold in Britain. Vicki Luke visits two very different London discos and talks to some of the...

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  • London Calling

    Date released
    Series name
    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: The BBC’s External Services broadcast to 70 million listeners all over the world, are on the air for 24 hours a day, and put out programmes in 39 languages. Vicki Luke looks at a typical...

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  • Kidney Transplants

    Date released
    Series name
    This Week In Britain
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    COI synopsis: Vicki Luke reports on the Kidney Transplant Service, which can instantly match a newly available kidney with a patient not just anywhere in Britain, but in Europe too. The UK transplant service...

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