
306 results found for all records.

  • Breaking the Seal


    2000 (29 mins)

    Tracing the extraordinary range of taxes imposed by monarchs & parliaments thru the ages, from wealth & poll taxes to tariffs on wigs, pets, windows & hearths.

  • Breaking the Seal

    Military Records

    2000 (29 mins)

    Bettany Hughes examines how British soldiers have been persuaded to fight for their country.

  • Breaking the Seal

    Church Records

    2000 (29 mins)

    Meticulously kept records from down the centuries reveal how the church wielded extraordinary power over its subjects. Bettany HUGHES’s discoveries inc seven women who were ordered to seduce an impotent man.

  • Breaking the Seal

    Criminal Records

    2000 (29 mins)

    The history of Britian’s justice system is explored.Bettany HUGHES’s examines an armed robbery in Hampshire in 1248, a 17th century Essex thief who escaped the noose & the last aristocrat to be executed...

  • Breaking the Seal

    Land Records

    2000 (29 mins)

    Bettany HUGHES explores the records of Britain’s scarcest & most disputed resource-land. She shows how records of land ownership,of land disputes,of enclosure, wealth & poverty are,in effect,a history of...

  • Timewatch

    Remember Aberfan

    1996 (49 mins)

    Timewatch visits small mining village in South Wales where in 1966 a coal tip collapsed and crashed down the hillside, burying everything in its path inc the school. Survivors and relatives talk about their...