Richard III
- Synopsis
- Radio programme commemorating the quincentenary of the death of Richard III at Bosworth. Laurence Olivier’s recital of the opening monologue of Shakespeare’s play is followed by William Walton’s score for Olivier’s feature film adaptation of Richard III as arranged by Muir Mathieson.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Medium
- Radio
- Transmission details
- 22 Aug 1985 at 23:40 (Channel: BBC Radio 3)
- Duration
- 17 mins
- Availability
- Unknown
Additional Details
- Production type
- Other
- Plays
- Richard III
- Subjects
- Drama; Music
- Keywords
- Richard III; Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Production Company
- Name
- Notes
- The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
How to cite this record
Shakespeare, "Richard III". (Accessed 22 Dec 2024)