Tribute to John F. Kennedy from the Arts
- Synopsis
- Television programme assembled to honour President John F. Kennedy following his assassination in Dallas two days before. The programme features classical music and dramatic readings from the bible and Shakespeare. Host Fredric March recites the Gettysburg Address, Charlton Heston reads from the Psalms and Robert Frost, and Marian Anderson sings Negro spirituals. The lines from Shakespeare are from Hamlet’s and Horatio’s last speeches from Hamlet read by Albert Finney and Christopher Plummer; it is likely that Plummer reads Hamlet and Finney reads Horatio.
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Medium
- Television
- Transmission details
- 24 Nov 1963 at 20:00 (Channel: ABC)
- Duration
- 110 mins
- Availability
- No archive copy found (4/2007).
- Producer
- Roone Arledge
- Contributor
- Albert Finney; Charlton Heston; Christopher Plummer; Frederic March; Marion Anderson
Additional Details
- Production type
- Documentary/Educational/News
- Plays
- Hamlet
- Subjects
- Drama
- Keywords
- Kennedy, John Fitzgerald; Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
- General
- President Kennedy’s name was mentioned only once in the broadcast.
- Reviews
- Variety Television Reviews (27 November 1963).
Production Company
- Name
How to cite this record
Shakespeare, "Tribute to John F. Kennedy from the Arts". (Accessed 05 Feb 2025)