Shakespearean Songs
- Synopsis
- Radio broadcast. Programme of Shakespeare songs sung by Mary Wroth and Mary Davies. Includes duet songs from Martin Shaw’s ‘I know a bank’, Armstrong Gibbs ‘Through bush, through brier’ and Vaughan Williams ‘Dirge for Fidele’ and ‘It was a lover’. Wroth sings the trad. ‘O willow, willow’ and Arne’s ‘Where the bee sucks’. Davies sings the traditional setting of ‘How should I your true love know’? and Quilter’s ‘Under the Greenwood Tree’.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Medium
- Radio
- Transmission details
- 24 Apr 1942 at 10:30 (Channel: BBC Home Service)
- Duration
- 15 mins
- Availability
- No copy extant
- Writer
- William Shakespeare
- Music
- Armstrong Gibbs; Martin Shaw (2); Ralph Vaughan Williams; Roger Quilter; Thomas Arne
- Cast
Mary Davies Mary Wroth
Additional Details
- Production type
- Other
- Keywords
- Shakespeare, William (1564-1616); songs
- Reviews
- Source: The Times, Radio Times
Production Company
- Name
- Notes
- The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)