
53 results found for all records.

  • Macbeth (1982 Film, Television)

    Bela Tarr

    A made-for-television film. A version of Macbeth. The film is comprised of two uninterrupted shots, the first a 5-minute segment preceding the credits and the remainder a 67-minute segment shot largely in...

  • Hamlet (A Fegyveres Filozofus) (1981 Video)

    aka: Hamlet (The Armed Philosopher)

    Gábor Bódy; János Szikora; Gyorgy Cserhalmi

    Video recording of a stage performance of Hamlet directed by Gábor Bódy, János Szikora and György Cserhalmi with Cserhalmi in the title role.

  • Lear Király (1981 Television)

    aka: King Lear

    Imre Csiszár

    Hungarian television broadcast of King Lear based on Csiszár Imre’s 1981 staging for the Miskolci Nemzeti Szinház. Tamás Major is Lear. Éva Igó doubles as the Fool and Cordelia.

  • Vihar, A (1980 Television, Video)

    aka: Tempest, The

    László Vámos

    Video recording of László Vámos’ 1980 production of The Tempest for Várszinház with Miklós Gábor as Prospero.

  • Szentivánéji álom (1980 Television)

    aka: Midsummer Night’s Dream, A

    János Ács

    Hungarian television version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream based on the 1980 stage production directed by János Ács. Ádám Rajhona and Éva Olsavszky double the roles of Oberon/Theseus and Titania/...

  • IV Henrik (1980 Television)

    aka: Henry IV. Parts 1 and 2

    Gábor Zsámbéki

    Television recording of a performance of 1 & 2 Henry IV staged at the Nemzeti Szinház (National Theatre), Hungary. Directed for stage by Gábor Zsámbéki with Ferenc Bessenyei as King Henry.

  • Tévedések Vígjátéka (1979 Television)

    aka: Comedy of Errors, The

    Imre Kerényi

    Hungarian television version of The Comedy of Errors directed by Imre Kerényi. Role names unknown.

  • Szeget Szeggel (1978 Video)

    aka: Measure for Measure

    László Babarczy

    Video recording of László Babarczy’s 1978 production of Measure for Measure for the Kaposvári Csiky Gergely Színház. Éva Tóth is Isabella.

  • Hamlet (1977 Television, Video)

    Ádám Ottó

    Video recording of Ádám’s stage production of Hamlet with Peter Huszti in the title role.

  • Vihar, A (1976 Television)

    aka: Tempest, The

    Horváth Z. Gergely

    Production of The Tempest for Hungarian television directed by Horváth Z. Gergely with Mensáros László as Prospero.