News and Sports Pageant - Reviewed by Leslie Mitchell, with US Commentary by Lowell Thomas: The Historic Royal Visit to the United States Washington Dc


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
15 Jun 1939
Date submitted
13 Jun 1939
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 3
Section Title
News and Sports Pageant - Reviewed by Leslie Mitchell, with US Commentary by Lowell Thomas
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Royal Tour - American Arrival. DESCRIPTION: Their Majesties arrive by train and are welcomed by the Roosevelts. During their stay they host a Garden Party at the British Embassy and visit Congress. SHOTLIST: The Royal train arrives in Washington. After the Platform welcome, the Royal Pair drive to the reception where they meet the President and Mrs Roosevelt. At the White House, the King receives a gift from thousands of Boy Scouts. Then there is a a Garden Party at the British Embassy and Postmaster Mr Farley is present. The K&Q visit Congress, where they are greeted by Vice President Garner and Senator Borah and the Queen is introduced to Miss Hattie Carraway. Later the King is aboard the President’s yacht "Patomac" with the Queen and they go to Mount Vernon where they visit the Tomb of Washington and the King lays a wreath. Later at Arlington the King lays a wreath also on the War Memorial.
Royalty; Commemorations; Organisations; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Entertainment and leisure; Children; Women; Railways; Social events; Ceremonies; Youth
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Lowell Thomas
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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How to cite this record

'News and Sports Pageant - Reviewed by Leslie Mitchell, with US Commentary by Lowell Thomas: The Historic Royal Visit to the United States Washington Dc', British Movietone News Issue No. 523A, 15 Jun 1939. (Accessed 04 Mar 2025)