Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: Day & Night (Round the Clock with the RAF)


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
20 Aug 1942
Date submitted
17 Aug 1942
Stories in this Issue:


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Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Lancaster Raid ('Day & Night’) (Round the Clock with the RAF). DESCRIPTION: The shadow of the Royal Air Force is over Europe. Movietone, in this dramatic series of pictures, takes you on actual raids with the men who are bombing strategic targets on the Continent and scourging Germany, city by city. SHOTLIST: Headlines of Daily Mail "1,000 Bomber Raid on Bremen". Crews walk across aerodrome to planes. Bostons lined up. Bostons taxi into position for take-off. Bostons take off - very good. Bostons in flight. Under camera shots of Bostons. Approach French coast, view of same through bomb-sights, flying just above sea level. GS of sea beneath plane. GV French coast-line. Flying just above roof-tops. Shot of target (Lille Chemical Works) just ahead. Aerial of bombs on target. St Malo raid. Shots of single Boston flying over aerodrome. Bostons fly over sea in formation, also fly at sea level. Bostons fly at 8,000ft. GV French coast showing target (town and harbour of St Malo). SV bomb doors open, four bombs dropping right on target. headlines of Evening News. Lancasters loaded up. Overhauling planes for night operation. Commanding Officer arrive in briefing room. Tells pilots & crew of target. CU Officer. Crew prepare for flight. Shot of pigeons. Silhouettes of crews standing round plane. Night of plane on aerodrome. Night of planes. General view of fires caused by bombs. CU pilot. Planes prepare to land. Preparing equipment (food, parachutes). Montage sequence of RAF Badge - airmen’s heads and bombs dropping.
Buildings and structures; Mass media; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Fires; Newspapers; Birds; War damage; Animals; Military; Newsreels
Footage sources
Royal Air Force Film Unit [RAFFU]
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Paul Wyand
Length of story (in feet)
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