What Future De Gaulle?
- Series Name
- British Movietone News
- Story No. within this Issue
- 3 / 3
- Summary
- MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: What Future De Gaulle Students and Workers Riot. DESCRIPTION: While rumours of President de Gaulle’s retirement have been denied, it would be understandable if they were true. Movietone reviews the current critical situation - the reaction of the defiant workers who’ve rejected Union settlements with the Government - the continued battle of students and security forces, despite Premier Pompidou’s warning of stronger police action. Altogether, a chaotic situation which must severely tax the peace of mind of any leader, let alone one who is three years short of eighty. SHOTLIST: MCU President de Gaulle speaking. GV night scenes - demonstrators in Paris street. MS (night) students digging up cobble stones from street. MS ditto, pan to fire burning. MCU students dig up cobble stones. MS tree falls across street. MS students put rubbish onto fire. MLS ditto. LS cars burning in street. MS police marching. MS policeman throws tear gas grenade. MS fire burning in street. LS ditto. MS police run forward towards students. MS ditto. MS police in street. MS fire burning. Zoom in (day scenes) row of trains in Paris station. Pan deserted airport building. MS deserted dockyard. MCU workers inside factory ground. MCU President de Gaulle speaking. Pan pile of litter in street. Pan ditto. Zoom out people queuing outside bank. MCU people buying food in market. Pan ditto. Pan from statue in street to workers marching. GV workers with banners. CU ditto (x2). Top shot GV ditto. CU the French PM Monsieur Pompidou speaking. Zoom in police in street. BCU ditto. MCU student leader Danny the Red (Danny Cohn-Bandit) approaching Germany/France boarder. MS frontier guards with barbed wire barrier. CU border sign. MCU Danny the Red talking to students. CU ditto. MS pan students applaud. GV police lined up across street, pan demonstrators. MS demonstrators in street. MS police throwing tear gas grenades at demonstrators. GV ditto. MS police chasing demonstrators. CU man with head wound past. MCU wounded policeman helped past. CU (night shots) police in street. GV police running down street. MS ditto. GV students run back. MS police move forward. CU ditto. MS wounded man carried past on stretcher. MS Red Cross workers with injured man. MS fire burning in street. MS police move towards demonstrators. MS ditto, GV ditto (x2). LS mechanical shovel clears tree from street. MS police move forward. GV ditto.
- Keywords
- Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Health and medicine; Weapons; Aviation; Railways; Shops and shopping; Industry and manufacture; Demonstrations; Labour relations; Riots; Crime
- Locations
- France; Paris
- Footage sources
- Pathe
- Card file number
- 93587
- Credits:
- Commentator
- Leslie Mitchell
- Length of story (in feet)
- 363
Film clip
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