We’re in the Navy Now


Series Name
Eve And Everybody’s Film Review


Issue No.
Date Released
12 Sep 1929
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 5
NoS Summary - girls posing on the Victory warship during Navy Week in Portsmouth.
British Pathe synopsis: Glamour girls are shown around a warship. Introductory intertitle reads: "Navy Week - with Britain’s ironclads on view for all to see and admire." L/S of several large boats in dock. M/S of four glamour girls standing on the quayside looking at a warship. Dissolve into C/U of one of the beauties. She smoothes her hair down as it is blown around in the wind. "The chance for intimate peeps at the Silent Service attracts thousands." High angle shot of the deck of the ship - lots of people milling around. M/S of queue of people filing on to the ship. "All the nice girls love a sailor" - so who wants to join the Navy?" Glamorous girls walk down the gangway while two sailors stand either side. The girls are given a special tour. Lots of other sailors stand around and watch. "Then Eve saw the huge cables which held the anchors -" L/S from high angle of the girls looking at cables. One of the girls tugs on a cable. " - and the ease with which a quick-firer was manipulated." Two of the girls sit on an anti aircraft gun and move it around by turning the handles. "Then she wondered if a husband could be managed as easily." C/U of one of the girls taking aim with one of the guns. "There’s a right and a wrong way of doing everything - even using a telescope." C/U of one of the girls being given instruction on how to use the telescope by an Admiral type. He shows her how to put it under her arm then pull it out and put it to her eye. "It’s a way they have in the navy - and a very nice way, too." High angle shots of the girls being helped on to a high part of the ship. They sit down and look at the view. Shot from below looking up at the girls. "Across the dock the old "Victory" - a symbol of sea power as she rests peacefully under the shadow of her great modern sisters". Shot of the girls with the Victory behind. M/S of the Victory.
Women; Navy
Portsmouth; England
Written sources
Pathe Inventory File   Tin No.112
British Pathe Database 1997   Reference No.EP112 Used for synopsis
National Film Archive Catalogue
Production Co.
British Pathe Ltd.

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How to cite this record

'We’re in the Navy Now', Eve And Everybody’s Film Review Issue No. 432, 12 Sep 1929. https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/newsonscreen/search/index.php/story/332254 (Accessed 01 Feb 2025)