A Look Back On 1931
- Series Name
- Gaumont Graphic
- Summary
- NfO synopsis: High-spots of the lapsing year. 1. Kaye Don’s water speed record attempt. 2. King Alfonso’s abdication. 3. Malcolm Campbell’s record at Daytona. 4. Cambridge winning Boat Race. 5. The Grand National. 6. The National Census. 7. West Bromwich Albion’s Cup Final win. 8. 21 years on the Throne - King George V and Queen Mary. 9. Cameronian wins the Derby. 10. Britain’s earthquake damage. 11. "Poseidon" submarine disaster and the life-saving "miracle lung" 12. The King at Lords for the Test Match. 13. Britain winning the Schneider Trophy.
- Keywords
- Royalty; Sport; Horse racing; Rowing; Aviation; Cricket; Speed records; Football; Accidents and disasters; Water sports
- Written sources
- Newsfilm Online
- Length of story (in feet)
- 318
Film clip
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Film Archive
- Name
- Reuters Archive Licensing: Screen Ocean
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- British Pathe Ltd (qv) also handles the Reuters Historical Collection, which includes the British Paramount, Empire British, Gaumont Graphic and Gaumont British newsreels.
- Series held
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How to cite this record
'A Look Back On 1931', Gaumont Graphic Issue No. 2167, 28 Dec 1931. https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/newsonscreen/search/index.php/story/384830 (Accessed 01 Feb 2025)