Woman racing driver enters show business


Series Name
Astra Gazette


Issue No.
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4 / 4
Pathe’s Database Entry for this item: "Date : 1/09/56 VAN DAMM, SHEILA RACING MOTORIST SHEILA VAN DAMM. (London) MS Sheila van Damm car moving down Piccadilly. CU Sheila van Damm’s face whilst driving. MS Car drives into Windmill Street. MS Taken from car drives to the entrance to Windmill Theatre showing sign over door. MS Sheila van Damm getting out of car whilst doorman holds door of car. MS Man putting sign "Sheila van Damm" over door, he pushes open door to allow Sheila van Damm to enter. MS Sheila van Damm puts bag on desk and picks up "L" plate sign. CU "L" plate sign which Sheila van Damm turns over and writing on the back which reads Rally to Ballet Show to Shows Good Luck Mummy. MS Sheila van Damm puts down "L" plates and begins taking motor trophies and souvenirs, she sits down and unties bunch of flowers from "L" plate. MS Sheila van Damm sitting at desk and her Father enters the room. CU Sheila van Damm talking to father whilst sitting at desk. CU of her father speaking to Sheila. CU Camera pans round room to trophies and souvenirs and pictures of Windmill girls, this is to give effect that the father is looking round the office. MS Sheila van Damm gets up from desk and walks out of office with father. MS of stairs. Sheila van Damm and father walk up stairs and pass chorus girls walking down. CU of door marked wardrobe. Sheila van Damm and father walk through door and woman passes them coming out carrying a number of dresses. GV of wardrobe room with Sheila van Damm and father walking up to girl who is having dress fitting. MS of Sheila van Damm and father discussing girl’s dress and speaking to girl. CU Wardrobe mistress. CU Sheila van Damm discussing dress with girl. CU Sheila van Damm looking at dress. CU Sheila van Damm, father and wardrobe mistress. MS Sheila van Damm, father and wardrobe mistress, with girl on stand talking. Sheila van Damm and father walk away. CU Wardrobe room door, Sheila van Damm and father walk out of wardrobe. MS of rehearsal room showing girls dancing before dancing instructress. Sheila van Damm and father walk in front of camera and sit down. Camera slowly pans to dancing instructress. MS Dancing instructress walks off the floor and sits down beside Sheila van Damm in the seat that father advocated. CU Sheila Van Damm and dancing instructress. CU Girls legs moving past camera. MS Sheila van Damm on side stage, talking to stage manager who is explaining details of show and lighting. Chorus girls and electricians move on to stage. (Eastman Neg.) CRYER, MAISIE DANCING INSTRUCTRESS GALE, JOHNNY STAGE DIRECTOR"
Sport; Vehicles; Women; Performing arts
Footage sources
Pathe Colour Pictorial   Issue No.54
Length of story (in feet)

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How to cite this record

'Woman racing driver enters show business', Astra Gazette Issue No. 7. https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/newsonscreen/search/index.php/story/53 (Accessed 14 Mar 2025)