Results: Stories
9 results found for '1123A' in Issue No..
Trailer: Atc Recruitment
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016817
- Story no
- 1 / 7
Portsmouth Freedom for Churchill
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016820
- Story no
- 4 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Portsmouth Freedom for Churchill. DESCRIPTION: The Lord Mayor presented the freedom scroll in a handsome casket of oak from HMS Victory, before Mr Churchill addressed the gathering at...
Attlee’s Mission Completed
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016823
- Story no
- 7 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Attlee’s Mission Completed. DESCRIPTION: From Washington to Ottawa and, at Rockliffe Airport, Mr Attlee received a very friendly greeting from Canada’s Prime Minister, Mr St...
Cardiff Exhibition at Temple of Peace
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016824
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Exhibition of Human Rights (Mute). DESCRIPTION: The Exhibition of Human Rights has opened at the Palace of Peace in Cardiff. SHOTLIST: KS. Exterior Palace of Peace. SCU notice outside...
Athens Welcome Their Royal Highnesses
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016818
- Story no
- 2 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Athens Welcomes Their Royal Visitors. DESCRIPTION: The welcome given by Athens to Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip left no doubt about their personal popularity with the Greek...
Affectionate Welcome for Duke of Windsor
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016819
- Story no
- 3 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Affectionate Welcome for Duke of Windsor. DESCRIPTION: On returning from his visit to Europe, the Duke of Windsor was warmly welcomed back by the Duchess at New York. SHOTLIST: KS. GV...
Nobel Prize Winners
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016821
- Story no
- 5 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Nobel Prize Winners. DESCRIPTION: In Oslo, Dr Ralph Bunche received the Nobel Peace Prize from the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Dr Gunnar Jahn, for his work as United...
Korea - The Trek South Again
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016822
- Story no
- 6 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Korea - the Trek South Again. DESCRIPTION: Our latest pictures from Korea were taken as United Nations forces evacuated Pyongyang, the Northern capital, and continued the retreat. Going...
Clydeside Ship Launch
- Date released
- 14 Dec 1950
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1123A
- NoS ID
- 016825
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Launch of the Ruahine (Mute). DESCRIPTION: The Ruahine was launched by Mrs Dawes. SHOTLIST: KS. GV "Ruahine" after launching, Elevated GV officials make their way to stage. MS landing...