Results: Stories
6 results found for '42/95' in Issue No..
Genoa Blitzed by RAF
- Date released
- 26 Nov 1942
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 42/95
- NoS ID
- 099731
- Story no
- 1 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
Lancasters take off for raid over Genoa and aerial shots of blazing Genoa during the blitz.
Newsbriefs from North Africa
- Date released
- 26 Nov 1942
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 42/95
- NoS ID
- 099732
- Story no
- 2 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
American reinforcements arrive at Mers-el-Kebir near Oran. A seaplane base in the Gulf of Arzeu which was occupied by American troops with such speed that aircraft and torpedoes were left there. American...
Stalingrad - The Unconquerable
- Date released
- 26 Nov 1942
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 42/95
- NoS ID
- 099733
- Story no
- 3 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
The stirring story of Stalingrad, showing the battered city still unconquerable. Russian troops fighting in the streets not only stemmed the tide but hurled the enemy back thus ruining German hopes of an...
Post Early Trailer
- Date released
- 26 Nov 1942
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 42/95
- NoS ID
- 099734
- Story no
- 4 / 4
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 shot list
Dream sequence showing Richard Hearne in a post office sorting office and getting in a mess sorting parcels and letters. He is innundated by them and wakes up in bed fighting beneath the bedclothes. He says...
Sled Demons
- Date released
- 26 Nov 1942
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 42/95
- NoS ID
- 099735
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
Sled racing at Tile Mount, USA.
Imp of the Ice
- Date released
- 26 Nov 1942
- Series name
- Pathe Gazette
- Issue no
- 42/95
- NoS ID
- 099736
- Extras
- 1 film clip, 1 commentary sheet, 1 shot list
Hope Braine giving ice skating demonstration in Australia. He skates on stilts, then dances and jumps over tables and through hoops.