Results: Stories
7 results found for '669A' in Issue No..
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Distinguished Visitors to the "Rock"
- Date released
- 2 Apr 1942
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 669A
- NoS ID
- 012204
- Story no
- 6 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Sir Stafford Cripps in Gibraltar. DESCRIPTION: King George of the Hellenes and Sir Stafford Cripps break their journeys in Gibraltar. SHOTLIST: 1. Shot of Lord Gort and Naval Chief of...
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Axis Sea War on American States
- Date released
- 2 Apr 1942
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 669A
- NoS ID
- 012202
- Story no
- 4 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Torpedoed Ship. DESCRIPTION: Neutral ships have become the victims of the Battle of the Atlantic. Survivors from a Brazilian freighter, torpedoed off North Carolina, are brought ashore....
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Canadian Corvettes Protect Convoys
- Date released
- 2 Apr 1942
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 669A
- NoS ID
- 012203
- Story no
- 5 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Canadian Convoy (Corvettes). DESCRIPTION: Corvettes built in Canada are helping to escort convoys across the Atlantic. SHOTLIST: There is a conference between officers of Naval and...
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Their Majesties Meet Sky Army
- Date released
- 2 Apr 1942
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 669A
- NoS ID
- 012199
- Story no
- 1 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Their Majesties at Bomber Command (Yorkshire). DESCRIPTION: The King and Queen recently visited a Royal Air Force Bomber Stationed in Yorkshire, where they inspected aircraft and...
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Tobruk Today
- Date released
- 2 Apr 1942
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 669A
- NoS ID
- 012200
- Story no
- 2 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Tobruk Today. DESCRIPTION: Troops new inhabit the battered remains of buildings in Tobruk. A small number of nurses, belonging to the Hadfield Spears Hospital Unit are in the town...
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Yugoslav Airmen in Middle East
- Date released
- 2 Apr 1942
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 669A
- NoS ID
- 012201
- Story no
- 3 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Yugo-Slav Air Force (Middle East). DESCRIPTION: A Squadron of Yugoslav airmen, flying Dornier twenty-twos, have been co-operating with the RAF in the Middle East. SHOTLIST: The...
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Premier Reviews Commandos
- Date released
- 2 Apr 1942
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 669A
- NoS ID
- 012205
- Story no
- 7 / 7
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Prime Minister With the Troops. DESCRIPTION: Mr Churchill visits a group of Commandos in training. SHOTLIST: 1. PM arrives and inspects Guard of Honour. He then addresses part of a...