Results: Stories
4 results found for '"Apollo Films"' in Footage or Written Source.
Undermining Manchester
- Date released
- 27 Aug 1962
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1734
- NoS ID
- 024762
- Story no
- 1 / 6
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Undermining Manchester. DESCRIPTION: Damage estimated at more than a million pounds has been caused by the Coal Board’s major extensions to Bradford Colliery. The pit, more than 100...
Sheffield - England’s Lucky Draw
- Date released
- 8 Oct 1962
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1740
- NoS ID
- 024826
- Story no
- 4 / 5
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: England’s Lucky Draw - European Nations Cup. DESCRIPTION: France kicked off and, led by veteran 32-year-old Raymond Kopa, gave England an early taste of what to expect. England came...
Another Ice Age?
- Date released
- 24 Jan 1963
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1755A
- NoS ID
- 024966
- Story no
- 3 / 3
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Another Ice Age?. DESCRIPTION: Not since the deep freeze in 1947 have the lakes in the Royal Parks been as solid as this, and long stretches of the River Thames are frozen solid, in...
In Camera
- Date released
- 28 Aug 1967
- Series name
- British Movietone News
- Issue no
- 1995
- NoS ID
- 027022
- Story no
- 3 / 4
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: In Camera. DESCRIPTION: India celebrates twenty years of Independence - Arabs return to their homes in what is now Israel’s territory - Gurkhas guard the Hong Kong border with...