
3 results found for '"Richard Callanan"' in Person.

  • King Lear: The Fool (1975 Television)

    Open University A201
    Richard Callanan

    A programme in the Open University Renaissance and Reformation Course. Cicely Havely looks at scenes in King Lear to which the Fool’s role is central and tries to analyse his part in the play’s action...

  • Hamlet 1: Studies in Interpretation (1971 Television)

    Open University A100
    Richard Callanan

    A programme in the Open University’s Arts Foundation Course. The programme takes two scenes from the play and shows how academic interpretation can take on a dramatic life in performance. Act II, sc. i is...

  • Hamlet 2: The Readiness is All (1971 Television)

    Open University A100
    Richard Callanan

    A programme in the Open University’s Arts Foundation Course. The programme analyses Hamlet’s mind as he faces death. Brian Stone introduces scenes and speeches throughout the play and, by juxtaposing...