The War Time Situation at Home and Abroad Reviewed by Leslie Mitchell: Remembrance 1939 - A Tribute by Movietone


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
9 Nov 1939
Date submitted
Nov 1939
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* Story has local or special distribution


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5 / 5
Section Title
The War Time Situation at Home and Abroad Reviewed by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Remembrance 1939. DESCRIPTION: Words by Gerald Sanger Spoken by Leslie Mitchell. SHOTLIST: The Great War Scenes have been used as a Montage sequence. Shot of the Big Ben at 11 o/c. Armistice Day: Cenotaph - CARD 37610 Various shots of the Cenotaph showing the traffic passing in the background. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37651 St John’s Wood Memorial. Queen Victoria’s Memorial. Various shots of Cenotaph. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37660 Man in office looks at his watch and he pauses. Group of people are seen standing outside, and a pan-up to clock showing 11 o/c. Shots of people walking past the Cenotaph. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37721 Newspaper Headlines - previous Armistice Day. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37669 CU adolescent youth. CU Mr B Hutchins. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37686 Angel Gabriel Statue and desk shots for the Armistice. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37695 Various shots of a soldier rushing over a hillock, Hutchins, etc. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37713 Artillery Memorial, and Cavalry Memorial. Armistice - Cut-ins - CARD 37699 Various shots of country war memorials and of Big Ben striking eleven. SHOT LIST Various shots of the Cenotaph with wreaths on. Man looking at the wreaths. Man walking away from the Cenotaph. Man sitting at desk looks at watch and then stands up. Clock at 11 o’clock. Pan to people in the streets standing still. Two women lay wreath at war memorial. Shot of statue pan down to women looking up at statue. Pan up to statue. Various shots of the trenches from the 1st World War all overgrown. Shot of wrecked plane in a field. German helmet on wire. Various shots of other trenches from the 1st World War. Shots of wrecked artillery in fields etc. Statue. Cornfield. Cornfield being harvested. Man carving words onto gravestone. Various shots of war memorials. Library material of a previous Remembrance ceremony. Neville Chamberlain holding up the white paper. Newspaper - "November 11, 1938... and Still At Peace" (Headlines) CU of Big Ben at 11 o’clock. Pan over mass crowds whilst showing some of the men who lost their lives over the crowds. Shot of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother on balcony. CU of King George VI. CU Big Ben at 11 o’clock. Library material of Hitler. Troops marching. Troops into trenches all superimposed over Big Ben. Pan down a war memorial. Statue of man on a horse. Cross being put into the ground. Row of crosses. Wreath. Pan up Cenotaph to "The Glorious Dead".
Commemorations; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Mass media; Vehicles; Weapons; Aviation; Ceremonies; War damage; Military; Cameramen; Youth; Newsreels
Footage sources
Great Britain
Card file number
Alec Tozer
David Prosser
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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'The War Time Situation at Home and Abroad Reviewed by Leslie Mitchell: Remembrance 1939 - A Tribute by Movietone', British Movietone News Issue No. 544A, 9 Nov 1939. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)