Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: The International Outlook


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
24 Jun 1946
Date submitted
20 Jun 1946
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Section Title
Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: International Outlook. DESCRIPTION: BIG FOUR RENEW PARIS TALKS - The Paris talks continue with the Italian colonies and Trieste only two of the obstacles to be overcome. CONGRESS PARTY IN CONCLAVE - Gandhi, though a sick man, continued to play an influential part, while the Congress Working Committee studied the British Cabinet Mission’s proposals. US MAKES ATOMIC OFFER TO UN - Mr Baruch states America’s proposals about the destruction of existing atom bombs and the future international control of atomic energy and research. PERON INAUGURATED IN ARGENTINA - The new President of Argentina receives his baton and sash of office from retiring President, General Farrell. MONARCHISTS DEMONSTRATE IN ITALY. - Supporters of the Italian monarchy started riots in Rome and Naples. SHOTLIST: KS Byrnes arrives at Big Four meeting in Paris. Molotov arriving, enters building. Interior - Molotov shakes hands with Bevin and Byrnes. Bidault takes his seat. GV seated round table. NEW DELHI - Gandhi being helped by assistants, lying him on his back, being that he is a sick man. Also in group shot Mrs Naidu and Pandit Nehru. CU Nehru. Gandhi seated on dais during prayer, cut-in thousands of Untouchables at prayer. NEW YORK - Interior - GV United Nations Atomic Commission seated round table. M Baruch seated next to M Trygve Lie addressing meeting. Mr Gromyko addresses (silent). BUENOS AIRES - Colonel Peron receives sash and baton from retiring President General Farrell. Elevated shot of crowds cheering in streets. ROME: GV Republic flag being hoisted, crowds below in square wave etc. Various shots of street riots in progress, caused by monarchists, police pushing monarchists about, some getting hit over the head with truncheons.
Politics and government; Ceremonies; Demonstrations; Independence movements; Riots; Diplomacy; Nuclear energy
Footage sources
Card file number
Alec Tozer
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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'Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: The International Outlook', British Movietone News Issue No. 890, 24 Jun 1946. (Accessed 01 Mar 2025)