Loch Ness Monster Report
- Series Name
- British Movietone News
- Story No. within this Issue
- 1 / 4
- Summary
- MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Loch Ness Monster Report. DESCRIPTION: Londoner, Mr Frank Searle, is a firm believer in the existence of the Monster and, in fact, has a Loch-side Museum containing imaginative drawings and photographs of possible ‘sightings’. he keeps constant vigilance on Loch Ness, hoping ‘Nessie’ may make an appearance. SHOTLIST: GV Scottish countryside. MS waterfall. GV Loch Ness. CU sign "Frank Searle Loch Ness Information". MS caravan with above sign outside. Mr Searle gets out with camera and binoculars. MS Mr Searle walking past caravan towards lake. CU Mr Searle. He lifts up binoculars to look through them. MS Mr Searle looking through binoculars. MLS pan round lake. MCU Mr Searle looking through binoculars. He lifts camera and looks through it. CU postcard "Ah! The Loch Ness Monster". CU Mr Searle. CU camera with badge on Mr Searle "I’m Nearly Famous". CU sticker "I’ve Seen The Loch Ness Monster". MS people going into look at photographs on display. CU picture of Sir Peter Scott’s interpretation of creature’s appearance. CU Mr Searle opening his book "Nessie". MCU man watching him. CU Mr Searle autographing the book. Tilt up to see Mr Searle. MS people looking at pictures. MCU pictures of monster in Loch. MCU another picture of monster in Loch. CU picture of monster, dated July, 1974. CU another picture, dated February, 1976. MS two boys looking at map. CU drawing of monster by a rowing boat on map. MS Mr Searle by Loch Ness. CU Mr Searle using camera. MLS Loch water. Pan round. CU comic drawing of monster’s face. MLS Loch Ness. MLS Mr Searle by Loch Ness.
- Keywords
- Buildings and structures; Vehicles; Environment; Arts and crafts; Exploration and explorers; Religion and belief; Exhibitions and shows; Scenery and travel
- Locations
- Scotland
- Card file number
- 76/167
- Credits:
- Commentator
- Leonard Martin
- Camera
- Pat Whitaker
- Length of story (in feet)
- 144
Film clip
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How to cite this record
'Loch Ness Monster Report', British Movietone News Issue No. 2470, 3 Oct 1976. https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/newsonscreen/search/index.php/story/30875 (Accessed 01 Feb 2025)