Behind the Headlines (Steam for Paper)


Series Name
Babcock Review


Issue No.
Date Released
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 4
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: The papermaking industry is one of the greatest industrial users of steam, and the Kemsley Mills of the Bowater Paper Corporation, near Sittingbourne, Kent, are of particular interest in having one of Britain’s largest industrial boilers, to supply steam for heating, drying and electrical power generation and also supply steam through a pipeline across the marshes, to another Bowater mill over 2 miles away.
Replacing older plant, the new installation, through its modern design and high efficiency, is expected to save some 50,000 tons of coal a year.
This item of the film depicts briefly the process of papermaking, from logs to finished paper, and shows how the steam-raising plant and ancillary installations of coal-handling equipment and cranes, all supplied by the Babcock organisation, are contributing to paper production on a large scale.
Industry and manufacture
Written sources
Synopses of the Babcock Film Magazines booklet   unpaginated, Used for synopsis
Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.
Production Co.
Technical & Scientific Films Ltd.

How to cite this record

'Behind the Headlines (Steam for Paper)', Babcock Review Issue No. 4, 1957. (Accessed 03 Mar 2025)