
Series Name
Mining Review 6th Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Jun 1953
Stories in this Issue:


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 4
BFI synopsis: the Littlebrook B power station at Dartford, Kent - one of the most efficient coal-burning stations.
NCB Commentary - Meet the champion power station of 1952, Littlebrook ‘B’ at Dartford in Kent. Most power stations use coal, and Littlecrook is the one that uses ot most efficiently.
Engineers talk about a power station’s thermal efficiency. That means how thoroughly it burns its coal and how cheaply it produces steam for power. Last year Littlebrooks topped the list. Taking British power stations as a whole, last year they were point 82 of one percent more efficient. That doesn’t sound much, but it does mean that over 3 million pounds were saved, and about one million three hundred throusand tons less coal were burned.
At Littlebrook each boiler uses 15 tons of coal an hour, and burns it at 2300 degrees Farenheit to produce steam at 1250 pounds per square inch.
Saving coal is still important to the nation. More and more coal is needed as British Electricity brings into the grid new power stations and new plant. For the miners, news like this means that the coal they dig is going to be efficiently used.
Researcher Comments
BFI sources suggest that this story was filmed on the 17th April 1953. Commentary recorded 4 May 1953.
Science and technology; Mining; Energy resources
Kent; England; Dartford
Written sources
British Film Institute Databases   Used for synopsis
Film User   Vol.8 No.87 January 1954, p32.
The National Archives COAL 32   /3 Scripts for Mining Review, 1949-1956
Alan Hewison
Production Co.
Documentary Technicians Alliance
Malcolm Stewart
National Coal Board
Wolfgang Suschitzky

How to cite this record

'COAL WELL USED', Mining Review 6th Year Issue No. 10, Jun 1953. (Accessed 31 Jan 2025)